Teddy Bear Hospital – Bamsesykehuset

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Teddy bears with different disorders, such as fever, paw joint osteoarthritis, bone fractures, and loose arms, legs, and eyes gathered from the entire Bergen to be cured at the Teddy Bear Hospital.

The main aims with the hospital are to reduce “white coat anxiety” amongst children through creative play and simple education, and through the experience of being in a hospital without being ill.

A secondary benefit is gained by medical students, who are provided with an opportunity to adapt their communication skills to the younger patient.

At the same time a fundraising for the so called “Survival Kit” in Sierra Leone was held. It’s a medical health and self-help package for mothers and children. Malaria, pneumonia, lack of follow-up during pregnancy and child birth, and lack of knowledge about nutrition of infants are among the main causes of child mortality in Sierra Leone. By prevention and early vaccination we will be able to reduce child mortality dramatically.

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