Lonely, yet joyful
[alamy B932YN 56CC97E8-DF4E-4A08-A9FA-2ADEB6A33EAC] A cute woolly cow toy tossed away on the side of the rocks by the ocean, near Bondai Beach, …
[alamy B932YN 56CC97E8-DF4E-4A08-A9FA-2ADEB6A33EAC] A cute woolly cow toy tossed away on the side of the rocks by the ocean, near Bondai Beach, …
[alamy B932YM 5436363B-78C1-4E18-A91C-304815EAF5CD] A group of swallow resting on telephone cables in Newcastle Australia during a halcyon sunset
[alamy B932KH B8F45FD8-3E6B-49C1-BB1F-4E1FBCEE07A7] Australia’s landmark, a young cute wild kangaroo posing in profile while staring at the rest of the kanga family
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